Many of us proudly proclaim to possess a growth mindset, yet often find ourselves hindered by self-limiting beliefs that prevent us from fully realizing our potential. To truly embrace our ’emerging future,’ it’s imperative to evaluate our growth mindset with keen introspection.
Consider this: the person we converse with most each day is ourselves. How we speak to ourselves matters greatly. Take a moment to assess whether your inner dialogue leans towards positivity or negativity when evaluating your performance and interactions with others. Do you extend more kindness to others than you do to yourself?
Delve deeper into your mindset by examining your complaints. Are you frequently bogged down by trivial and inconsequential matters like technological glitches or waiting in lines? If so, you may be squandering precious creative energy on issues beyond your control.
Know that your enemies are
highly assertive and unhelpful.
When you let these enemies and their attendant henchmen enter the scene, they significantly impair your ability to make good decisions and embrace your ‘emerging future.’
Voice of Self (Ego):
Your Ego is your built-in interpretation organ. It functions to develop explanations for your actions in the context of explanation. The Voice of Self represents the internal dialogue influenced by one’s self-image, identity, and personal desires. It tends to prioritize self-interest and validation over understanding and empathy in listening interactions. Ego impacts growth mindset when it uses habits to reconfirm old opinions and beliefs.
Voice of Judgment: